Sunny Graff

Preferred Title:


Began training: 1971


Senior Grandmaster Taekwondo (9th Dan)

Grandmaster Lapunti Arnis de Abanico (9th Dan)

Modern Arnis (5th Dan)

Shinson Hapkido (3rd Dan), 

SiPalGi Kung Fu (Level 9)

Manonuda (2nd Dan)

Kali Sikaran

Kali Silat Evolution


Hall of Fame Award:

2012 - 30 years

2016 - 40 years

2024 - 50 years

Other Awards:






Sunny Graff is a Grandmaster in Taekwondo and Lapunti Arnis, and a posture/alignment specialist.

She has trained 360+ feminist anti-racist self-defense instructors, 200 Black belts and authored self-defense books in English and German.

She co-founded NWMAF, served on the steering committee, Self-defense Certification Board and AWMAI Rank Committee.

Sunny was a Gold medalist in the World Games and Pan-American Games and a 4-time National Taekwondo Champion with a Lifetime Achievement Award from the Taekwondo Hall of Fame.

In 1984 she founded Women in Movement in Frankfurt, which has won multiple awards for violence prevention.

Sunny has received many awards and honors, has many publications to her credit publications and decades of teaching experience.

She is a Motion Trainer in Painless Therapy, a Licensed Trainer in Prevention in Sport, Health, Alignment and body mechanics, a Certified Teacher in the Dr. Brügger method of orthopedic exercise for the spine and a Posture Alignment Specialist, certified by the Egoscue Method University.

Sunny Graff Photo Album

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