2024 Conference Highlights

Your 2024 Instructors (from left):

Standing: Instructora Sabiá, Senior Grandmaster Sunny Graff, Grandmaster Laura Armstrong,  Shifu/Sensei Koré Grate, Shinshii Janet Aalfs, Master Wasentha Young, Sensei Cheryl Rock, Soke Nahid Farzinzad, Certified Instructor Clara Porter, Nicole Welsh, Shihan Sifu Nancy Lanoue

Kneeling: Shihan Darlene DeFour, Helen Yee, Master MyTien Duong, Grandmaster Jaye Spiro

(photo by Tih Penfil)

AWMAI 2024 Instructors

2024 Hall of Fame Recipients:

From left: Grandmaster Sunny Graff, Grandmaster Jaye Spiro, Shinshii Janet Aalfs, Shifu/Sensei Koré Grate accepting for Grandmaster Yu Wen Mei, Soke Nahid Farzinzad, Sifu Helen Yee, Sifu Wendy Lathrop, Instructor Lisa Santi. (Photo by Tih Penfil)

AWMAI 2024 Hall of Fame Inductees

Your 2024 Board of Directors:

From left: Doctor Sensei Amelia Jones (in-coming), Sensei Katie Murphy Stevens, Shihan Melanie Fine (out-going), Parnee Poet, Jennie Trower, Sijeh Sarah Sponzo. (Photo by Tih Penfil)

AWMAI 2024 Board of Directors

This was my first year attending, and I hope to attend again in the future. It was an honor to be among so many amazing martial artists.

I've been to A LOT of conferences over the years, and this was one of my favorites. I liked the size of the group. I could get a feeling of the whole, and interact with individuals, and not feel overwhelmed. It was a deeply transforming experience.

All slideshow photos by Tih Penfil


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