Kimberly Ivy

Preferred Title:


Began training:1978


Taijiquan - 6th Duan Wei

Aikido - Shodan

Judo - Shodan

Hall of Fame Award:

2012 - 30 years

2021 - 40 years

Other Awards:



Seattle, WA

Website: Embrace the Moon Taijiquan & Qigong


Kim IvyKimberly Ivy began her training in Tucson, Arizona amidst the Yin & Yang of Desert Monsoons & Heat. From the beginning, training was not simply a hobby but a powerful invitation into a transformative process. Kim discovered right away that breath and sweat invites a deep forging of spirit, mind and body. Her life and training carried her from the majestic Saguaros of Arizona towards the lush rain forests of Oregon, across the boiling volcanoes of Japan and inside the mysterious temples of China. In 1993, she settled in Seattle and founded Embrace the Moon Taijiquan and Qigong, Inc.

Along the way, Kim studied various branches of Qigong and both Yang and Chen systems of Taijiquan (Tai Chi). Over time she became certified in several systems of Qigong and settled into the Chen Family system of Taijiquan.

In 1997, Kim was a National Bronze Medal Winner in Yang Taijiquan forms at the “A Taste of China." In 2006, she was inducted as 20th Generation disciple of Chen Family Grandmaster Chen, Xiao Wang. In 2011, she formally tested with the International Wu Shu (Chinese Martial Arts) Association, Grandmasters Chen Xiao Wang and Chen Xiao Xing and earned the rank of 6th Duan Wei.

In 2012, Kim was inducted into the first Hall of Fame by the Association of Women Martial Artists. In 2013, Embrace the Moon became an official Branch School of the Chenjiagou Taijiquan School in Chenjiagou, China. Kim is also certified in Hatha yoga, holds black belt rankings in Judo and Aikido. Kim has served on the board of the National Qigong Association was on staff at Seattle Institute of Oriental Medicine and is an ongoing professional consultant on several grants, studies, articles and books on the efficacy of Taijiquan and Qigong.

Kim Ivy Photo Album

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