AWMAI E-News | Volume V | November 2022 |
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In This Issue:
Shifu/Sensei Koré Grate Lead
I am beyond excited to be IN PERSON again in wonderful San Diego, California at one of my favorite venues, The Bay Club & Marina on Shelter Island. This is OUR event of the year for women warriors, leaders, teachers, gathering to share skills and insights. Where else can you find this? We are unique in so many ways. At this conference I will be receiving my 50 Year Hall of Fame Award. I am deeply honored that Sensei Katie Murphy Stevens and the late Professor Jane Carr will also be receiving their esteemed awards. It is amazing to me that my path in the martial arts started when I was just 16, and it feels like I am still in awe of the unfolding of even the most basic technique. It also feels like I don’t really want to do aerial break-falls anymore, the wisdom of taking care of the body, as well as the mind and spirit. Still seeing the “light-bulb effect” in students’ eyes will always inspire me to “Keep to Path”.
Please welcome: (drum roll….) Jennie Trower as your next Executive Director and Parnee Poet as your next Administrative Director! (see their intros in this newsletter). Both Jennie and Parnee have been included in board meetings throughout this year and are both amazing and insightful women. Thank you to the Board Members who remain on the board with them. I know they will continue to produce high quality conferences for our members. I will continue to support what I believe in-and I believe in AWMAI! If you haven’t already registered (early bird hopefully), here is the link:
Jennie Trower Advance
I bring 20 years of experience in martial arts and self-defense training and teaching, most of that in Krav Maga. After teaching in that male-dominated world for several years, I stepped away and started my own business because I knew their way was missing the mark for so many women, in their approach to both training and teaching. I remember what it’s like to be new to teaching, to be the only woman on the mat, and to feel like I didn’t belong. I also remember the joy and relief I felt when I’d find someone like me to connect with. Or when I was inspired by a talented and creative instructor. Or when I discovered AWMAI. Sharing knowledge, motivation and inspiration are central to this organization and our flagship event, the Teaching the Teacher Conference. I have a vision for AWMAI that extends beyond the conference, providing opportunities to connect and collaborate not only at our fantastic annual event, but regularly throughout the year. I appreciate your support during this transition. I’m here to learn, to listen, to guide and to lead. And I can’t wait to get started. Melanie Fine Support It is h And if you are not yet ready for your second (or third!) decade of Hall of Fame, then don’t forget to send any updates to your personal HOF page. You get to link to your own school website, too! It does not matter what year you entered the Hall of Fame; just send along your info... and please! Dig into your archives and send those oldie-but-goodie photos that you have probably already posted on Facebook, but now can have a more permanent residence on our site.
"What I loved most about [the] conference was how giving everyone is... it felt like a genuine support to want others to succeed as well.... and everyone comes from different backgrounds. That in itself, is so very special. Thank you so much for this event, I have friends I would love to convince to come as I think they would enjoy it as much as I did." - 2022 conference attendee | Master Didi Goodman Moving Forward
I won’t go on about the world at large, as you have all lived it too – we’ve lived it together. As for my personal world, I remember exactly where I was when Koré called and asked me whether I’d consider serving on the board: in the kitchen of my dad’s house, where I was staying while he recovered from a broken leg. I told her I was too busy, had too much on my plate, with my dad and all… Somehow she twisted my arm and got me to agree anyway. “This won’t last forever; it will pass,” she said. “And you’ve said in the past how important you thought AWMAI’s work is.” She was right, of course – except about the being too busy. That hasn’t passed! But sometimes we just have to take it all on and do our best, even when it seems impossible. And when it does seem impossible, we help each other! The most rewarding aspect of serving on this board has been the sense of cooperation and mutual aid – how everyone has stepped up to help the others through whatever challenges this world has thrown our way. The board has been a microcosm of what AWMAI as a whole represents: Networking and support. Networking strong enough to be a safety net; support, whether professional or personal, that’s given freely, generously, and with respect. And yes, that is important work. As long as there continue to be women martial artists encountering glass ceilings, abusive environments, patronizing instructors or classmates, or just the demeaning experience of being unseen, unheard or unacknowledged by the men standing next to them, we need AWMAI (and PAWMA and NWMAF). Whatever we may or may not have experienced in our own lives, we all need to stand up and support each other. Beyond that, we can simply enjoy our shared passion (and sometimes, profession), sharing ideas and inspiring one another. Having this connection with so many other martial arts school owners during the stresses of the pandemic was a lifesaver. I’m proud to have had a hand in putting on the Teaching the Teacher conference for a few years. No matter how busy or hectic things may have gotten at times, at the end of the day and the end of each conference, it was pure joy, and a privilege to have worked with this board, the instructors, the conference attendees – all of you! Now I’m coming to the end of a term; my dad has passed away, his beautiful house emptied and sold during lockdown; two hard years of zoom dojos and a period of rebuilding; new challenges with new demands on my schedule. My experience on the board has been so positive and rewarding, it's hard to let go, but it’s time. And I’m very pleased to be able to pass the torch to a fellow Cuong Nhu member, Parnee Poet – a deeply caring person, long involved in women’s safety and self-defense, and dedicated to social justice. She is going to do a great job! Just one more thing before I go… Please! Write some good articles for Parnee to publish in the newsletter! You have so much to share; we all want to hear what you have to say. Thank you all for your involvement in AWMAI, and I’ll see you at the 2023 conference, plus many more to come. Sensei Parnee Poet Continue
Putting together the last newsletter was a bit daunting and with this one, I felt joy with being trusted to weave all this wisdom with your contributions... YOUR images and words can be so profound and inspiring... By being present in the newsletter, much like years ago, the only other woman at my dojo, at one point, telling me that seeing me in class inspired her to keep attending classes. WOW!!! You do this for me... inspire me and challenge me to grow... Isn't that some of why we keep coming back to our classes and AWMAI? Register Now for Teaching the Teacher '23 EARLY BIRD Registration DEADLINE Wednesday, November 30, 2022 SCHOLARSHIP DEADLINE has been extended to Saturday, December 31, 2022 Apply Here! February 24-26 San Diego, CA Sijeh Sarah Sponzo Gather We’re in my favorite time of the year! Fall, I love fall. I love the leaves, sweater weather, the coming holidays. I’ve lived in New England my whole life, so I’m a little snobby about foliage. I just had the good fortune to see fall in Hokkaido, Japan – WOW – Mother Nature knows how to put on Autumn everywhere. It’s also my favorite time of year because planning for the annual conference is in full swing! I love seeing all the class offerings, the teachers who will be presenting, getting the word out to everyone and most of all working with the hotel on all the details that will make the conference great.
We look forward to seeing YOU in February for a GREAT conference! |
Teaching the Teacher 2023: Instructors and Classes AWMAI is proud to announce our very highly qualified teaching staff, and the timely and useful topics that will be presented at Teaching the Teacher 2023. Read below, and register now to ensure you don't miss any of this event! |
Suggestion for February 2023 Newsletter:
Read anything good lately? A training manual, biography, or martial-arts-related novel? Write us a review!
Post-Conference Inspiration: Write about something memorable you heard, learned, or shared during the upcoming conference.